June, 2014

  • Delicious CSS Made Easy by Adobe Parfait

    According to a CreativeBloq article“Website layout, meaning the positioning of its different components, is one of the earliest challenges a team faces in a project. It can be one of the hardest or one of the easiest decisions the team will make.” True. But, once the layout has been created (usually in Photoshop), it is up to programmers to transition the design into HTML. This can be a challenge in itself to maintain accuracy. Traditionally, this meant some manual labor to identify colors, fonts and sizes within the Photoshop file, and translate them by hand into code for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). All that manual labor can lead to errors and misses.

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    June 27, 2014 • Emerging Media • Views: 5282

  • Sarah Shares Tips for Perfecting Social Posts

    Blogger Sarah at Emerging Media Mix has some great articles about “the ever evolving media landscape”.
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    June 27, 2014 • Emerging Media • Views: 5965

  • Google’s Material Design

    Responsive design is the standard approach for cross-platform development. But, that philosophy only addresses dimensional layout properties. Google wants to standardize the actual interaction properties for its Android-based experiences.

    Google unveiled a cross-platform design language at the Google I/O 2014 conference this week. They call it “Material Design”. It is an attempt to bring structure, rationale, consistency and a universal look and feel to user experiences on all devices including mobile, desktop and Google Glass.
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    June 26, 2014 • Emerging Media • Views: 9670

  • Provoking Controversy to Build Buzz

    “Advertising both follows and leads to change.” – Andrew Solomon, The New Yorker

    There is an effective trend I’m seeing in emerging media and digital storytelling that not only can “lead to change” in society, but builds buzz for the brand at the center. This branded content approach is one that shows situations that “provoke controversy.”
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    June 23, 2014 • Digital Storytelling, Emerging Media • Views: 11508

  • The Miracle of “Little Data”

    In thinking about strong companies that are using emerging media to their full potential, several come to mind, but Amazon always tops the list. Amazon relies on interactive opportunities to not only build awareness, but also create relationships and expand loyalty. Why are they so successful? Why do they succeed when others don’t? Why can’t regular brick and mortar companies have such an impact?
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    June 16, 2014 • Emerging Media • Views: 3035

  • TOMS: Responsive Responsibility

    “I’d like to believe that trends are always for the best and push everybody in the industry to step forward and make even better products. For instance, responsive web design started as a trend and in a short time it has become a necessary part of the design process.” – Claudio Guglieri, art director at B-Reel, NYC.

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    June 10, 2014 • Emerging Media • Views: 8400


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