Sarah Shares Tips for Perfecting Social Posts

Blogger Sarah at Emerging Media Mix has some great articles about “the ever evolving media landscape”.

She recently found this great infographic on how to make perfect posts on social platforms. LOVE IT! And if you like this, I highly suggest you read her heartwarming perspective on Dadvertising!

Perfect Posts

One Response to Sarah Shares Tips for Perfecting Social Posts

  1. I think the infographic is good as a guideline but I tend to rely on the ‘insights’ section for the Facebook page I manage. It has been very helpful in showing me the patterns of the people who have “liked” the page. According to the infographic, the suggested worst time to post is actually the best time for my page. I actually aim for 10pm. That’s when the most people are active!

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Published on: June 27, 2014

Filled Under: Emerging Media

Views: 5609

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