Owning “Career”


“When I Grow Up”


After a call directly from Monster.com founder Jeff Taylor, Edward Boches, chief creative officer at Mullen Boston had only 6 weeks to create a Super Bowl ad. The strategy was to not talk about job listings, but create an emotional connection with people who actually work. Mr. Boches wanted “to own `career’ the way Nike owns `the athlete in all of us’” (Garfield, 2000). The spot debuted on Super Bowl Sunday and won the Advertising Age’s Best of Show in 1999.


Kids talk about their future dreams of dead-end careers in a quick-cut black-and-white sequence that makes us all stop and think about our own career dreams.

Positioning Statement:

Helping You To Follow Your Dreams.


Garfield, B. (2000, May 29). Monster.com: Best of Show. Retrieved March 24, 2014, from Ad Age: http://adage.com/article/news/monster-show/58137/

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Published on: May 2, 2014

Filled Under: Digital Storytelling

Views: 3740

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