
  • Tools for “Spying” on the Competition

    It’s important for integrated marketers to understand the environment in which they are launching a campaign. To differentiate, we need foundational understanding of competitive creative. To impact, we need to understand our competitor’s strategies. Here is a handy list of tools help uncover what the competition is doing online. Continue Reading

    July 25, 2014 • Emerging Media, Integrated Marketing • Views: 8030

  • 2014 Benchmarks for Online Advertising

    I am regularly asked what the “industry standard” is for click-through-rate (CTR) for online advertising. The answer is more complicated than one might think as there are multiple variables including the type of advertising, the quality of the venue, and whether the creative is compelling. That said, integrated marketers know the importance of selling in an idea, and industry standards are one way of forecasting success for a certain tactic. Here are some great resources for determining a benchmark for your campaign. Continue Reading

    July 24, 2014 • Emerging Media, Integrated Marketing • Views: 5902


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