
  • SEO – The “Coin of our Realm”

    Every marketer wants to know the secrets of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It is the mysterious holy grail of website marketing. To experience its treasure is a challenge each of us face for clients, our companies and even ourselves. Continue Reading

    July 13, 2014 • Emerging Media • Views: 7271

  • Google’s Material Design

    Responsive design is the standard approach for cross-platform development. But, that philosophy only addresses dimensional layout properties. Google wants to standardize the actual interaction properties for its Android-based experiences.

    Google unveiled a cross-platform design language at the Google I/O 2014 conference this week. They call it “Material Design”. It is an attempt to bring structure, rationale, consistency and a universal look and feel to user experiences on all devices including mobile, desktop and Google Glass.
    Continue Reading

    June 26, 2014 • Emerging Media • Views: 9714


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